
1) What’s the easiest way to offend them?

Its not easy to offend her, but bringing up any past trauma or shaming on love (only if you do it alot)

2) What’s their hobbies?

collecting rings, outfit design

3) How’s their self esteem?

terrible unless shes with Ictha or Larra

4) What’s their fav memory?

A concert trip with Ictha & Larra

5) What’s the most expensive thing they own?

a limited edition figurine of the members in her fav band

6) What’s in their fridge?

she has no fridge, but if she did, it would have lots of fruits and soft cheeses (like baby bell or laughing cow). She also likes drinking white milk straight from the carton (bag. shes canadian.), so she would have that too. Oh, also all the "normal" things that are essential

7) How do they feel about religion?

never really was religous. She tried becoming christian at some point but gave up. After recent events though... shes not at all.

8) What traits do they despise in other people?

not much. people who chew without closing their mouth

9) What’s their worst memory?

watching Icthas abduction

10) Who’s their biggest inspiration?

either Larra or Ictha

11) What would their Minecraft house look like?

very modern but with flowers EVERYWHERE

12) If they could kill one person without consequences, would they? And who?

NOO!!!! Ab-so-lute-ly NOT!!

13) How organized are they?

a bit TOO much. down to the milimeter.

14) How would their friends describe them?

bubbly and a literal flower girl until she gets bad vibes from you

15) What’s their biggest secret?

she spills them. who said she has any...?

16) If they could live anywhere in the world, where would they choose?


17) What traits are they attracted to?

tall, teasing, when they have a build

18) How do they feel about lying?

doesn't particularly like it, but does it a bit too much

19) If they could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?

the fact that Ictha got abducted- she would skip school with her to keep her safe

20) Who do they main in Mario cart?

Rosalina or her baby ver.

21) What’s their biggest fear?

what comes after death

22) What do they hate most about themselves?

being so pale but almost always having rosy cheeks

23) What makes them want to befriend someone?

if they show interest in anything she likes or if they compliment her

Sofie's Logs!

Ictha’s growing out her hair


I wanna learn code now


Woah this is so cool!!! no wonder Ictha was talking about this for so long
